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Soetjipto, N., Priyohadi, N., Sulastri, S & Riswanto, A. (2021). The effect of company climate, organization citizenship behavior, and transformational leadership on work morale through employee job satisfaction.Management Science Letters , 11(4), 1197-1204.
Ahmad, K. Z. B., Jasimuddin, S. M., & Kee, W. L. (2018). Organizational climate and job satisfaction: do employees’ per-sonalities matter?. Management Decision, 56(2), 421-440.
Ahmed, N., Rasheed, A., & Jehanzeb, K. (2012). An exploration of predictors of organizational citizenship behaviour and its significant link to employee engagement. International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 2(4), 99-106.
Antonaki, X. E., & Trivellas, P. (2014). Psychological contract breach and organizational commitment in the Greek bank-ing sector: The mediation effect of job satisfaction. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 148, 354-361.
Asgari, A., Silong, A. D., Ahmad, A., & Samah, B. A. (2008). The relationship between transformational leadership be-haviors, organizational justice, leader-member exchange, perceived organizational support, trust in management and organizational citizenship behaviors. European Journal of Scientific Research, 23(2), 227-242.
Avram, E., Ionescu, D., & Mincu, C. L. (2015). Perceived safety climate and organizational trust: the mediator role of job satisfaction. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 187, 679-684.
Azwar, S. (2007). Human Attitude Theory and Measurement [Indonesian]. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Offset.
Barney, J. B. (1986). Organizational culture: can it be a source of sustained competitive advantage?. Academy of Manage-ment Review, 11(3), 656-665.
Bhaesajsanguan, S. (2010). The relationships among organizational climate, job satisfaction and organizational commit-ment in the Thai telecommunication industry. E-leader Singapore journal, 10, 1-15.
Castro, M., & Martins, N. (2010). The relationship between organisational climate and employee satisfaction in a South African information and technology organisation. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 36(1), 800–810.
Chiang, C. F., & Hsieh, T. S. (2012). The impacts of perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment on job performance: The mediating effects of organizational citizenship behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(1), 180-190.
Davis, K., & Newstrom, J. W. (1981). Human behavior at work: Organizational behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Ellemers, N., Kingma, L., van de Burgt, J., & Barreto, M. (2011). Corporate social responsibility as a source of organiza-tional morality, employee commitment and satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Moral Psychology, 1(2), 97-124.
Ghozali, I. (2011). Multivariate Analysis Applications with IBM and SPSS Programs [Indonesian]. Semarang: BP Univer-sitas Diponegoro.
Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M., & Donnelly, J. H. (1996). Organization: Behavior, Structure and Process [Indone-sian]. Jakarta: Bina Rupa Aksara.
Gregory, M., James, A., & Neville, K. (2002). Job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour. A study of Aus-tralian human-service professionals. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17(4), 287-297.
Grojean, M. W., Resick, C. J., Dickson, M. W., & Smith, D. B. (2004). Leaders, values, and organizational climate: Exam-ining leadership strategies for establishing an organizational climate regarding ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 55(3), 223-241.
Hashemi, J., & Sadeqi, D. (2016). The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational climate: a case study of government departments in Divandarreh. World Scientific News, 45(2), 373-383.
Huang, C. C., You, C. S., & Tsai, M. T. (2012). A multidimensional analysis of ethical climate, job satisfaction, organiza-tional commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Nursing Ethics, 19(4), 513-529.
Jahangir, N., Akbar, M. M., & Haq, M. (2004). Organizational citizenship behavior: its nature and antecedents. BRAC University Journal, 1(2), 75-85.
Jha, S., & Jha, S. (2010). Determinants of organizational citizenship behaviour: A review of literature. Journal of Man-agement & Public Policy, 1(2), 33-42.
Kumar, K., Bakhshi, A., & Rani, E. (2009). Linking the'Big Five'personality domains to Organizational citizenship behav-ior. International journal of Psychological Studies, 1(2), 73.
Lévy-Garboua, L., & Montmarquette, C. (2004). Reported job satisfaction: what does it mean?. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 33(2), 135-151.
Lin, X. W., Che, H. S., & Leung, K. (2009). The role of leader morality in the interaction effect of procedural justice and outcome favorability. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(7), 1536-1561.
Litwin, G. H., & Stringer, R. A. (1968). Motivation and organizational climate. Boston: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University.
Lüleci, C., & Çoruk, A. (2018). The Relationship between Morale and Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Elementary and Secondary Schools. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 13(1), 54-70.
Luthans, F. (2006). Organizational behavior [Indonesian]. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi.
Organ, D. W., Podsakoff, P. M., & MacKenzie, S. B. (2005). Organizational citizenship behavior: Its nature, antecedents, and consequences. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Moorman, R. H., & Fetter, R. (1990). Transformational leader behaviors and their ef-fects on followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. The Leadership Quarter-ly, 1(2), 107-142.
Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Paine, J. B., & Bachrach, D. G. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviors: A criti-cal review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research. Journal of manage-ment, 26(3), 513-563.
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2008). Organizational behavior [Indonesian]. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
Romi, M. V., & Ahman, E. (2020). Islamic Work Ethics-Based Organizational Citizenship Behavior to Improve the Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Higher Education Lecturers in Indonesia. International Journal of Higher Education, 9(2), 78-84.
Rusdiyanto, W., & Riani, A. L. (2015). Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Transaksional pada Organizational Citizenship Behavior dengan Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Pemediasi. Jurnal Economia, 11(2), 161-168.
Sagala, E. J., & Rivai, V. (2009). Human Resource Management for Companies from Theory to Practice [Indone-sian]. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
Salam, A. (2016). Relationship between perceived organizational politics, supportive organizational climate and job satis-faction in Thai higher education sector. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(5), 396.
Sarwat, E.L (2011). Impact of Strategic Leadership on Organizational Performance, in the Context of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment, Evidence form Educational Institutions of Pakistan. Journal of Management and Public Policy, 1(2), 27-36.
Siswanto, E. A., & Yuniawan, A. (2012). Analisis pengaruh iklim kerja dan pengembangan karir terhadap komitmen karir: kepuasan kerja sebagai variabel intervening (Studi kasus pada karyawan PT Pertamina (Persero) Pemasaran Wilayah Jawa Tengah dan DIY). Diponegoro Journal of Management, 1(4), 332-342.
Soetjipto, N., Susilo, D. E., & Riswanto, A. (2020). Supply Chain Strategies In Mediating The Effect Of Knowledge Man-agement On Business Performance. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 8(1), 448-455.
Sumadi, S. (2005). Development of Psychological Measurement Tools [Indonesian]. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.
Sumantri, S., & Pareke, F. J. (2011). Studi Tentang Organizational Citizenship Behavior dan Kepuasan Kerja Dosen pada PTN dan PTS Provinsi Bengkulu. Jurnal Psikologi dan Ekonomi.
Suyatno. S. (2008). Calculating the Public Health Research Sample Size [Indonesian]. Semarang: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro.
Swaminathan, S., & Jawahar, P. D. (2013). Job satisfaction as a predictor of organizational citizenship behavior: An em-pirical study. Global Journal of Business Research, 7(1), 71-80.
Tsai, C. L. (2014). The organizational climate and employees’ job satisfaction in the Terminal Operation Context of Kaohsiung Port. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 30(3), 373-392.
Ugwu, F. O. (2012). Are good morals often reciprocated? Perceptions of organizational virtuousness and optimism as pre-dictors of work engagement. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 1(3), 188-198.
Voon, M. L., Lo, M. C., Ngui, K. S., & Ayob, N. B. (2011). The influence of leadership styles on employees’ job satisfac-tion in public sector organizations in Malaysia. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Scienc-es, 2(1), 24-32.
Waspodo, A. A., & Minadaniati, L. (2012). Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja dan Iklim Organisasi Terhadap Organizational Citi-zenship Behavior (OCB) Karyawan pada PT. Trubus Swadaya Depok. JRMSI-Jurnal Riset Manajemen Sains Indone-sia, 3(1), 1-16.
Wibowo, L., Widjajanta, B., Fadillah, A., Riswanto, A., Aprianti, V., Widjaja, Y., ... & Romi, M. (2020). Supply chain analysis of hedonic shopping value on behavioral intention creation of multinational footwear company. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 8(4), 745-752.
Wirawan, N. (2007). Organizational Culture and Climate [Indonesian]. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
Ahmed, N., Rasheed, A., & Jehanzeb, K. (2012). An exploration of predictors of organizational citizenship behaviour and its significant link to employee engagement. International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 2(4), 99-106.
Antonaki, X. E., & Trivellas, P. (2014). Psychological contract breach and organizational commitment in the Greek bank-ing sector: The mediation effect of job satisfaction. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 148, 354-361.
Asgari, A., Silong, A. D., Ahmad, A., & Samah, B. A. (2008). The relationship between transformational leadership be-haviors, organizational justice, leader-member exchange, perceived organizational support, trust in management and organizational citizenship behaviors. European Journal of Scientific Research, 23(2), 227-242.
Avram, E., Ionescu, D., & Mincu, C. L. (2015). Perceived safety climate and organizational trust: the mediator role of job satisfaction. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 187, 679-684.
Azwar, S. (2007). Human Attitude Theory and Measurement [Indonesian]. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Offset.
Barney, J. B. (1986). Organizational culture: can it be a source of sustained competitive advantage?. Academy of Manage-ment Review, 11(3), 656-665.
Bhaesajsanguan, S. (2010). The relationships among organizational climate, job satisfaction and organizational commit-ment in the Thai telecommunication industry. E-leader Singapore journal, 10, 1-15.
Castro, M., & Martins, N. (2010). The relationship between organisational climate and employee satisfaction in a South African information and technology organisation. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 36(1), 800–810.
Chiang, C. F., & Hsieh, T. S. (2012). The impacts of perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment on job performance: The mediating effects of organizational citizenship behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(1), 180-190.
Davis, K., & Newstrom, J. W. (1981). Human behavior at work: Organizational behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Ellemers, N., Kingma, L., van de Burgt, J., & Barreto, M. (2011). Corporate social responsibility as a source of organiza-tional morality, employee commitment and satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Moral Psychology, 1(2), 97-124.
Ghozali, I. (2011). Multivariate Analysis Applications with IBM and SPSS Programs [Indonesian]. Semarang: BP Univer-sitas Diponegoro.
Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M., & Donnelly, J. H. (1996). Organization: Behavior, Structure and Process [Indone-sian]. Jakarta: Bina Rupa Aksara.
Gregory, M., James, A., & Neville, K. (2002). Job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour. A study of Aus-tralian human-service professionals. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17(4), 287-297.
Grojean, M. W., Resick, C. J., Dickson, M. W., & Smith, D. B. (2004). Leaders, values, and organizational climate: Exam-ining leadership strategies for establishing an organizational climate regarding ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 55(3), 223-241.
Hashemi, J., & Sadeqi, D. (2016). The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational climate: a case study of government departments in Divandarreh. World Scientific News, 45(2), 373-383.
Huang, C. C., You, C. S., & Tsai, M. T. (2012). A multidimensional analysis of ethical climate, job satisfaction, organiza-tional commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors. Nursing Ethics, 19(4), 513-529.
Jahangir, N., Akbar, M. M., & Haq, M. (2004). Organizational citizenship behavior: its nature and antecedents. BRAC University Journal, 1(2), 75-85.
Jha, S., & Jha, S. (2010). Determinants of organizational citizenship behaviour: A review of literature. Journal of Man-agement & Public Policy, 1(2), 33-42.
Kumar, K., Bakhshi, A., & Rani, E. (2009). Linking the'Big Five'personality domains to Organizational citizenship behav-ior. International journal of Psychological Studies, 1(2), 73.
Lévy-Garboua, L., & Montmarquette, C. (2004). Reported job satisfaction: what does it mean?. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 33(2), 135-151.
Lin, X. W., Che, H. S., & Leung, K. (2009). The role of leader morality in the interaction effect of procedural justice and outcome favorability. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(7), 1536-1561.
Litwin, G. H., & Stringer, R. A. (1968). Motivation and organizational climate. Boston: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University.
Lüleci, C., & Çoruk, A. (2018). The Relationship between Morale and Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Elementary and Secondary Schools. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 13(1), 54-70.
Luthans, F. (2006). Organizational behavior [Indonesian]. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi.
Organ, D. W., Podsakoff, P. M., & MacKenzie, S. B. (2005). Organizational citizenship behavior: Its nature, antecedents, and consequences. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Moorman, R. H., & Fetter, R. (1990). Transformational leader behaviors and their ef-fects on followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. The Leadership Quarter-ly, 1(2), 107-142.
Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Paine, J. B., & Bachrach, D. G. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviors: A criti-cal review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research. Journal of manage-ment, 26(3), 513-563.
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2008). Organizational behavior [Indonesian]. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
Romi, M. V., & Ahman, E. (2020). Islamic Work Ethics-Based Organizational Citizenship Behavior to Improve the Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Higher Education Lecturers in Indonesia. International Journal of Higher Education, 9(2), 78-84.
Rusdiyanto, W., & Riani, A. L. (2015). Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Transaksional pada Organizational Citizenship Behavior dengan Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Pemediasi. Jurnal Economia, 11(2), 161-168.
Sagala, E. J., & Rivai, V. (2009). Human Resource Management for Companies from Theory to Practice [Indone-sian]. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
Salam, A. (2016). Relationship between perceived organizational politics, supportive organizational climate and job satis-faction in Thai higher education sector. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(5), 396.
Sarwat, E.L (2011). Impact of Strategic Leadership on Organizational Performance, in the Context of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment, Evidence form Educational Institutions of Pakistan. Journal of Management and Public Policy, 1(2), 27-36.
Siswanto, E. A., & Yuniawan, A. (2012). Analisis pengaruh iklim kerja dan pengembangan karir terhadap komitmen karir: kepuasan kerja sebagai variabel intervening (Studi kasus pada karyawan PT Pertamina (Persero) Pemasaran Wilayah Jawa Tengah dan DIY). Diponegoro Journal of Management, 1(4), 332-342.
Soetjipto, N., Susilo, D. E., & Riswanto, A. (2020). Supply Chain Strategies In Mediating The Effect Of Knowledge Man-agement On Business Performance. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 8(1), 448-455.
Sumadi, S. (2005). Development of Psychological Measurement Tools [Indonesian]. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.
Sumantri, S., & Pareke, F. J. (2011). Studi Tentang Organizational Citizenship Behavior dan Kepuasan Kerja Dosen pada PTN dan PTS Provinsi Bengkulu. Jurnal Psikologi dan Ekonomi.
Suyatno. S. (2008). Calculating the Public Health Research Sample Size [Indonesian]. Semarang: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro.
Swaminathan, S., & Jawahar, P. D. (2013). Job satisfaction as a predictor of organizational citizenship behavior: An em-pirical study. Global Journal of Business Research, 7(1), 71-80.
Tsai, C. L. (2014). The organizational climate and employees’ job satisfaction in the Terminal Operation Context of Kaohsiung Port. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 30(3), 373-392.
Ugwu, F. O. (2012). Are good morals often reciprocated? Perceptions of organizational virtuousness and optimism as pre-dictors of work engagement. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 1(3), 188-198.
Voon, M. L., Lo, M. C., Ngui, K. S., & Ayob, N. B. (2011). The influence of leadership styles on employees’ job satisfac-tion in public sector organizations in Malaysia. International Journal of Business, Management and Social Scienc-es, 2(1), 24-32.
Waspodo, A. A., & Minadaniati, L. (2012). Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja dan Iklim Organisasi Terhadap Organizational Citi-zenship Behavior (OCB) Karyawan pada PT. Trubus Swadaya Depok. JRMSI-Jurnal Riset Manajemen Sains Indone-sia, 3(1), 1-16.
Wibowo, L., Widjajanta, B., Fadillah, A., Riswanto, A., Aprianti, V., Widjaja, Y., ... & Romi, M. (2020). Supply chain analysis of hedonic shopping value on behavioral intention creation of multinational footwear company. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 8(4), 745-752.
Wirawan, N. (2007). Organizational Culture and Climate [Indonesian]. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.