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Zaman, K., Qureshi, M & Bhatti, M. (2011). The impact of culture and gender on leadership behavior: Higher education and management.Management Science Letters , 1(4), 531-540.
Avolio, B.J., Gardner, W.L., Walumbwa, F.O., Luthans, F. & May, D.R. (2004). Unlocking the mask:
a look at the process by which authentic leaders impact follower attitudes and behaviors. The
Leadership Quarterly 15(6), 801–823.
Bass, B.M., & Avolio, B.J. (1993). Transformational leadership and organizational culture. Public
Administration Quarterly, 17, 112-21.
Berdahl, J. (1996). Gender and leadership in work groups: Six alternative models. Leadership
Quarterly, 7, 21-40.
Block, L. (2003). The leadership-culture connection: an exploratory investigation. Leadership and
Organization Development Journal, 24,318-344.
Brandser, G. C. (1996). Women – the new heroes of the business world?. Women in Management
Review, 11(2), 3-17.
Brewer, N., Socha, L., & Potter, R. (1996). Gender differences in supervisors’ use of performance
feed-back. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 786-803.
Cassell, C., & Walsh, S. (1997). Organizational cultures, gender management strategies and women’s
experience of work. Feminism and Psychology, 7, 224-230.
Chemers, M. M. (2002). Meta-cognitive, social, and emotional intelligence of transformational
leadership: Efficacy and Effectiveness. In R. E. Riggio, S. E. Murphy, F. J. Pirozzolo (Eds.),
Multiple Intelligences and Leadership.
DeMatteo, L.A. (1994). From hierarchy to unity between men and women managers. Towards an
androgynous style of management. Women in Management Review, 9(7), 21-28.
Dodge, K., Gilroy, F., & Fenzel, M. (1995). Requisite management characteristics revisited: Two
decades later. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 10, 253-264.
Eagly, A., & Johnson, B. (1990). Gender and leadership style: A meta-analysis. Psychological
Bulletin, 108, 233-256.
Eagly, A., Karau, S., & Makhijani, M. (1995). Gender and the effectiveness of leaders: A metaanalysis.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117, 125-145.
Evans, G.A. (2001). The world on our backs. Community College Journal of Research and Practice,
25(2), 181-192.
Fernandes, E., & Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2003). Gender asymmetries and the manager stereotype among
management students. Women in Management Review, 18(1-2), 77-87.
Forsyth, D., Heiney, M., & Wright, S. (1997). Biases in appraisals of women leaders. Group
Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1, 98-103.
Freeman, S., & Varey, R. (1997). Women communicators in the workplace: natural born marketers?.
Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 15(7), 318-24.
Goffee R, & Jones G. (1996). What holds the modern company together?. Harvard Business Review,
Hedges, L., & Olkin, I. (1985). Statistical methods for meta-analysis. New York: Academic Press.
Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture’s Consequences. International Differences in Work-Related Values. A
Bridged Edition. Sage Publication. Newburry Park.
Hooijberg, R., & DiTomaso, N. (1996). Leadership in and of demographically diverse organizations.
Leadership Quarterly, 7, 1-19.
Hellriegel, D., Jackson, S. E., Slocum, J., Staude, G., Amos, T., Klopper, H. B., Louw, L. &
Oosthuizen, T. (2004). Management, Second South African Edition. Cape Town: Oxford
University Press.
Keup, J. R., Walker A. A., Astin., H. S. & Lindholm, J. A . (2001). Organizational Culture and
Institutional Transformation. Eric Clearinghouse on Higher Education.
Kolb, J. (1997). Are we still stereotyping leadership? A look at gender and other predictors of leader
emergence. Small Group Research, 28, 370-393.
Kruger, A. G. (2003). Instructional leadership: the impact on the culture of teaching and learning in
two effective secondary schools. South African Journal of Education, 23,206-211.
Laurent, A. (1986). The Cross Cultural Puzzle of International Human Resources Management.
Human Resource Management, 15, 91 – 102.
Lauterbach, K. & Weiner, B. (1996). Dynamics of upward influence: How male and female managers
get their way. Leadership Quarterly, 7, 87-107.
Luthar, H. (1996). Gender differences in evaluation of performance and leadership ability: Autocratic
vs. democratic managers. Sex Roles, 35, 337-361.
Luthans, F., Welsh, D.H. & Rosenkrantz, S.A. (1993). What do Russian Managers Really Do? An
Observational Study with Comparison to US Managers’. Journal of International Business
Studies, 24(4) , 741-762.
Maher, K. (1997). Gender related stereotypes of transformational and transactional leadership. Sex
Roles, 37, 209-225.
Moss, S., & Kent, R. (1996). Gender and gender-role categorization of emergent leaders: A critical
review and comprehensive analysis. Sex Roles, 35, 79-96.
Newman, L.K & Nollen, D.S. (1996). Culture and Congruence: The Fit Between Management
Practice and National Culture. Journal of International Business Studies. Fourth Quarter, 27(4),
753 – 779.
Niemann & Kotze (2006). The relationship between leadership practices and organisational culture:
an education management perspective. South African Journal of Education, 26 (4), 609–624.
Normore, A.H. (2004). Recruitment and selection: addressing the leadership shortage in one large
Canadian school district. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Vol. 30.
Northouse, P.G. (2004). Leadership: Theory and Practice, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Olsson, S., & Walker, R. (2003). Through a gendered lens? Male and female
executives’representations of one another. Leadership & Organization Development Journal,
24(7), 387-96.
Payne, K., & Cangemi, J. (1997). Gender differences in leadership. IFE Psychologia: An
International Journal, 5, 22-43.
Peters, H. (1995). Risk, rescue, and righteousness: How women prevent themselves from breaking
the glass ceiling. Vision/Action, Spring, 3-7.
Pratch, L. (1996). Gender, motivation, and coping in the evaluation of leadership effectiveness.
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 48, 203-220.
Rigg, C., & Sparrow, J. (1994). Gender, Diversity and Working styles, Women in Management
Review, 9(1), 9-16.
Rosener, J. B. (1991). America’s competitive secret: utilizing women as a management strategy;
Oxford University Press, NewYork, NY.
Rosenthal, P., Guest, D., & Peccei, R. (1996). Gender differences in managers’ causal explanations
for their work performance: A study in two organizations. Journal of Occupational &
organizational Psychology, 69, 145-151.#
Rutherford, S. (2001). Organizational cultures, women managers and exclusion. Women in
Management Review, 16(8), 371-82.
Sakata, K. (1996). Sex differences on leadership processes: A review. Japanese Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology, 36, 114-130.
Schein, E.H. (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2nd ed., Jossey-Bass, San Francisco,
Schneider, S. C, & DeMeyer, A. (1991). Interpreting and Responding to Strategic Issues: The Impact
of National Culture. Strategic Management Journal, 12, 307 – 320.
Schuler, S R. & Jackson, Susan E. J. (1996). Human Resource Management. New York: Prentice
Stanford, J.H., Oates, B.R. & Flores, D. (1995). Women’s leadership styles: a heuristic analysis.
Women in Management Review, 10(2), 9-16.
Stevens, J. (1996). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences (3rd ed.). New Jersey:
Lawrence Erlbaum.
Still, L. (1994). Where to from here? Women in management. The cultural dilemma. Women in
Management Review, 9(4), 3-10.
Stoll, L. (1999). School culture and improvement, in Preedy, M., Glatter, R. and Wise, C. (Eds),
Leading and Managing for Effective Education: Strategic Leadership and Educational
Improvement, Paul Chapman, London, 93-108.
Tornow, W. (Ed.). (1993). Special issue on 360-degree feedback [Special issue]. Human Resource
Management, 32 (2-3).
Waldman, D.A. & Yammarino, F.J. (1999). CEO charismatic leadership: levels-of-management and
levels-of-analysis effects. Academy of Management Review, 24(2), 266–285.
Van der Boon, M. (2003). Women in international management: an international perspective on
women’s ways of leadership. Women in Management Review, 18(3), 132-46.
Van Engen, M.L., Van der Leeden, R. & Willemsen, T.M. (2001). Gender, context andleadership
styles: a field study. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 74(3), 581-98.
Yammarino, F.J., Dubinsky, A.J., Comer, L.B. & Jolson, M.A. (1997). Women and transformational
and contingent reward leadership: a multiple-level-of analysis perspective. Academy of
Management Journal, 40(1), 205-222.
a look at the process by which authentic leaders impact follower attitudes and behaviors. The
Leadership Quarterly 15(6), 801–823.
Bass, B.M., & Avolio, B.J. (1993). Transformational leadership and organizational culture. Public
Administration Quarterly, 17, 112-21.
Berdahl, J. (1996). Gender and leadership in work groups: Six alternative models. Leadership
Quarterly, 7, 21-40.
Block, L. (2003). The leadership-culture connection: an exploratory investigation. Leadership and
Organization Development Journal, 24,318-344.
Brandser, G. C. (1996). Women – the new heroes of the business world?. Women in Management
Review, 11(2), 3-17.
Brewer, N., Socha, L., & Potter, R. (1996). Gender differences in supervisors’ use of performance
feed-back. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 786-803.
Cassell, C., & Walsh, S. (1997). Organizational cultures, gender management strategies and women’s
experience of work. Feminism and Psychology, 7, 224-230.
Chemers, M. M. (2002). Meta-cognitive, social, and emotional intelligence of transformational
leadership: Efficacy and Effectiveness. In R. E. Riggio, S. E. Murphy, F. J. Pirozzolo (Eds.),
Multiple Intelligences and Leadership.
DeMatteo, L.A. (1994). From hierarchy to unity between men and women managers. Towards an
androgynous style of management. Women in Management Review, 9(7), 21-28.
Dodge, K., Gilroy, F., & Fenzel, M. (1995). Requisite management characteristics revisited: Two
decades later. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 10, 253-264.
Eagly, A., & Johnson, B. (1990). Gender and leadership style: A meta-analysis. Psychological
Bulletin, 108, 233-256.
Eagly, A., Karau, S., & Makhijani, M. (1995). Gender and the effectiveness of leaders: A metaanalysis.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117, 125-145.
Evans, G.A. (2001). The world on our backs. Community College Journal of Research and Practice,
25(2), 181-192.
Fernandes, E., & Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2003). Gender asymmetries and the manager stereotype among
management students. Women in Management Review, 18(1-2), 77-87.
Forsyth, D., Heiney, M., & Wright, S. (1997). Biases in appraisals of women leaders. Group
Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1, 98-103.
Freeman, S., & Varey, R. (1997). Women communicators in the workplace: natural born marketers?.
Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 15(7), 318-24.
Goffee R, & Jones G. (1996). What holds the modern company together?. Harvard Business Review,
Hedges, L., & Olkin, I. (1985). Statistical methods for meta-analysis. New York: Academic Press.
Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture’s Consequences. International Differences in Work-Related Values. A
Bridged Edition. Sage Publication. Newburry Park.
Hooijberg, R., & DiTomaso, N. (1996). Leadership in and of demographically diverse organizations.
Leadership Quarterly, 7, 1-19.
Hellriegel, D., Jackson, S. E., Slocum, J., Staude, G., Amos, T., Klopper, H. B., Louw, L. &
Oosthuizen, T. (2004). Management, Second South African Edition. Cape Town: Oxford
University Press.
Keup, J. R., Walker A. A., Astin., H. S. & Lindholm, J. A . (2001). Organizational Culture and
Institutional Transformation. Eric Clearinghouse on Higher Education.
Kolb, J. (1997). Are we still stereotyping leadership? A look at gender and other predictors of leader
emergence. Small Group Research, 28, 370-393.
Kruger, A. G. (2003). Instructional leadership: the impact on the culture of teaching and learning in
two effective secondary schools. South African Journal of Education, 23,206-211.
Laurent, A. (1986). The Cross Cultural Puzzle of International Human Resources Management.
Human Resource Management, 15, 91 – 102.
Lauterbach, K. & Weiner, B. (1996). Dynamics of upward influence: How male and female managers
get their way. Leadership Quarterly, 7, 87-107.
Luthar, H. (1996). Gender differences in evaluation of performance and leadership ability: Autocratic
vs. democratic managers. Sex Roles, 35, 337-361.
Luthans, F., Welsh, D.H. & Rosenkrantz, S.A. (1993). What do Russian Managers Really Do? An
Observational Study with Comparison to US Managers’. Journal of International Business
Studies, 24(4) , 741-762.
Maher, K. (1997). Gender related stereotypes of transformational and transactional leadership. Sex
Roles, 37, 209-225.
Moss, S., & Kent, R. (1996). Gender and gender-role categorization of emergent leaders: A critical
review and comprehensive analysis. Sex Roles, 35, 79-96.
Newman, L.K & Nollen, D.S. (1996). Culture and Congruence: The Fit Between Management
Practice and National Culture. Journal of International Business Studies. Fourth Quarter, 27(4),
753 – 779.
Niemann & Kotze (2006). The relationship between leadership practices and organisational culture:
an education management perspective. South African Journal of Education, 26 (4), 609–624.
Normore, A.H. (2004). Recruitment and selection: addressing the leadership shortage in one large
Canadian school district. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Vol. 30.
Northouse, P.G. (2004). Leadership: Theory and Practice, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Olsson, S., & Walker, R. (2003). Through a gendered lens? Male and female
executives’representations of one another. Leadership & Organization Development Journal,
24(7), 387-96.
Payne, K., & Cangemi, J. (1997). Gender differences in leadership. IFE Psychologia: An
International Journal, 5, 22-43.
Peters, H. (1995). Risk, rescue, and righteousness: How women prevent themselves from breaking
the glass ceiling. Vision/Action, Spring, 3-7.
Pratch, L. (1996). Gender, motivation, and coping in the evaluation of leadership effectiveness.
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 48, 203-220.
Rigg, C., & Sparrow, J. (1994). Gender, Diversity and Working styles, Women in Management
Review, 9(1), 9-16.
Rosener, J. B. (1991). America’s competitive secret: utilizing women as a management strategy;
Oxford University Press, NewYork, NY.
Rosenthal, P., Guest, D., & Peccei, R. (1996). Gender differences in managers’ causal explanations
for their work performance: A study in two organizations. Journal of Occupational &
organizational Psychology, 69, 145-151.#
Rutherford, S. (2001). Organizational cultures, women managers and exclusion. Women in
Management Review, 16(8), 371-82.
Sakata, K. (1996). Sex differences on leadership processes: A review. Japanese Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology, 36, 114-130.
Schein, E.H. (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2nd ed., Jossey-Bass, San Francisco,
Schneider, S. C, & DeMeyer, A. (1991). Interpreting and Responding to Strategic Issues: The Impact
of National Culture. Strategic Management Journal, 12, 307 – 320.
Schuler, S R. & Jackson, Susan E. J. (1996). Human Resource Management. New York: Prentice
Stanford, J.H., Oates, B.R. & Flores, D. (1995). Women’s leadership styles: a heuristic analysis.
Women in Management Review, 10(2), 9-16.
Stevens, J. (1996). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences (3rd ed.). New Jersey:
Lawrence Erlbaum.
Still, L. (1994). Where to from here? Women in management. The cultural dilemma. Women in
Management Review, 9(4), 3-10.
Stoll, L. (1999). School culture and improvement, in Preedy, M., Glatter, R. and Wise, C. (Eds),
Leading and Managing for Effective Education: Strategic Leadership and Educational
Improvement, Paul Chapman, London, 93-108.
Tornow, W. (Ed.). (1993). Special issue on 360-degree feedback [Special issue]. Human Resource
Management, 32 (2-3).
Waldman, D.A. & Yammarino, F.J. (1999). CEO charismatic leadership: levels-of-management and
levels-of-analysis effects. Academy of Management Review, 24(2), 266–285.
Van der Boon, M. (2003). Women in international management: an international perspective on
women’s ways of leadership. Women in Management Review, 18(3), 132-46.
Van Engen, M.L., Van der Leeden, R. & Willemsen, T.M. (2001). Gender, context andleadership
styles: a field study. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 74(3), 581-98.
Yammarino, F.J., Dubinsky, A.J., Comer, L.B. & Jolson, M.A. (1997). Women and transformational
and contingent reward leadership: a multiple-level-of analysis perspective. Academy of
Management Journal, 40(1), 205-222.