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Alrajhi, A. (2025). Impacts of marketing strategies on casual restaurant sales.Journal of Project Management, 10(1), 53-60.
Abbas, T., & Hussien, F. (2017). The effects of green marketing and green corporate social responsibility on customers’ willingness to patronize a casual dining restaurant. International Academic Journal Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, 3(3), 137-157.
Adiyono, N. G., Rahmat, T. Y., & Anindita, R. (2021). Digital marketing strategies to increase online business sales through social media. Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPU-MENT), 1(2), 31-37.
Akuma, J. K., Akude, D. N., Kwaning, E. A., & Asiama, K. A. (2024). Green marketing practices and financial perfor-mance of manufacturing firms: The moderating role of organizational culture. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 8(1), 1-14.
Alafeef, M. A. M. I. (2014). The Impact of Social Media on Sales Promotion in E-commerce Companies (Case Study–KSA-Al Baha City). European Journal of Business and Management, 6(16), 197-204.
Alanazi, T. M. (2022). Marketing 5.0: An empirical investigation of its perceived effect on marketing perfor-mance. Marketing i menedžment innovacij, 13(4), 55-64.
Alnaim, A., & Albarq, A. (2023). Impact of digital marketing on consumer behavior: A quantitative analysis on fast fashion industry in the KSA. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(3), 1059-1066.
Alsheikh, L. H. (2020). The Impact of green marketing strategies on marketing performance of small and medium-sized Restaurants in Saudi Arabia. TEST Engineering & Management, 83, 10084-10091.
Asikin, M. Z., Fadilah, M. O., Saputro, W. E., Aditia, O. and Ridzki, M. M. (2024). The influence of digital marketing on competitive advantage and performance of micro, small and medium enterprises. International Journal of Social Service and Research, 4(03), 963-970.
Bin-Yamin, B. (2017). Impact of digital marketing as a tool of marketing communication: a behavioral perspective on consumers of Bangladesh. American Journal of Trade and Policy, 4(3), 117-122.
Chang, J. C., & Bayardalai, M. (2024). A sustainability perspective-The influence of green marketing on Mongolian consumer attitudes. Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 14(6), 1-10.
Dangelico, R. M., & Vocalelli, D. (2017). Green marketing: An analysis of definitions, strategy steps, and tools through a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Cleaner production, 165, 1263-1279.
Dastane, D. O. (2020). Impact of digital marketing on online purchase intention: Mediation effect of customer relation-ship management. Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 10, 142-158.
De Pelsmacker, P., Van Tilburg, S., & Holthof, C. (2018). Digital marketing strategies, online reviews and hotel per-formance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, 47-55.
Dogra, P., & Kaushal, A. (2023). The impact of digital marketing and promotional strategies on attitude and purchase intention towards financial products and service: A case of emerging economy. Journal of Marketing Communica-tions, 29(4), 403-430.
Elrayah, M. (2021). The relationship between the adoption of digital marketing, revenues, costs, and skills gap among marketing professionals in the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 11(5), 1-10.
Erawan, P. Y. P., Wahyuni, N. M., & Indiani, N. L. P. (2024). The influence of brand image and green marketing on pur-chasing decisions which are mediated by customer satisfaction in the coffee shop industry in Denpasar. International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability, and Social Science, 5(3), 513-527.
Hardiansyah, R., Fahlia, F., & Nuramaliyah, N. (2024). The impact of digital marketing and entrepreneurial capabilities on marketing performance. Indonesian Business Review, 7(2), 105-114.
Hasan, Z., & Ali, N. A. (2015). The impact of green marketing strategy on the firm's performance in Malay-sia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172, 463-470.
Hawaldar, I. T., Ullal, M. S., Sarea, A., Mathukutti, R. T., & Joseph, N. (2022). The study on digital marketing influ-ences on sales for B2B start-ups in South Asia. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexi-ty, 8(1), 23.
Hidayat, M. S., Kasnowo, K., & Dwihandoko, T. H. (2024). The relationship between green marketing and business Per-formance: A systematic literature review. Innovative: Journal of Social Science Research, 4(4), 3966-3978.
Hoang, D. S., & Tučková, Z. (2021). The impact of sensory marketing on street food for the return of international visi-tors: Case study in Vietnam. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration. 2021, 29(2), 1282.
Isaac, N., & Keelson, S. A. (2023). The mediating effects of market culture and customer service skills in the sensory marketing and non-Economic performance relationship of Ghana’s restaurant sector. Social Sciences, 10(1), 197-212.
Jeong, E., & Jang, S. (2013). The impact of restaurant green practices: Does it really influence restaurant image and cus-tomer attitude? The 18th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism. Seattle, ABD: Nevada Üniversitesi, 138-145.
Judd, C. M., Yzerbyt, V. Y., & Muller, D. (2014). Mediation and moderation. Handbook of research methods in social and personality psychology, 2, 653-676.
Khan, A., & Islam, M. A. (2017). The impact of digital marketing on increasing customer loyalty: a study on Dhaka city, Bangladesh. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 5(4), 521-528.
Krishna, A. (2012). An integrative review of sensory marketing: Engaging the senses to affect perception, judgment and behavior. Journal of consumer psychology, 22(3), 332-351.
Lambert, A., Jones, R. P., & Clinton, S. (2021). Employee engagement and the service profit chain in a quick-service restaurant organization. Journal of Business Research, 135, 214-225.
Lucas, T., & Sines, C. (2019). Marketing strategies to increase sales in small family-style restaurant businesses. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 8(1), 55-66.
Memon, I. A., Chandio, F. K., Bhatti, A., & Kazi, A. G. (2019). The impact of green marketing on the financial perfor-mance of textile industry. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Research, 2(4), 16-20.
Miroshnychenko, I., Barontini, R., & Testa, F. (2017). Green practices and financial performance: A global out-look. Journal of Cleaner Production, 147, 340-351.
Moon, S. J. (2021). Investigating beliefs, attitudes, and intentions regarding green restaurant patronage: An application of the extended theory of planned behavior with moderating effects of gender and age. International Journal of Hos-pitality Management, 92, 102727.
Munir, A., Kadir, N., & Umar, F. (2023). The impact of digital marketing and brand articulating capability for enhanc-ing marketing capability. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(1), 65-72.
Nadanyiova, M., Kliestikova, J., & Kolencik, J. (2018). Sensory marketing from the perspective of a support tool for building brand value. Economics and culture, 15(1), 96-104.
Pandiangan, S. M. T., Octiva, C. S., Yusuf, M., Suryani, S., & Sesario, R. (2022). The role of digital marketing in in-creasing sales turnover for micro, small, and medium enterprises. Jurnal Pengabdian Mandiri, 1(12), 2601-2606.
Phiri, M. (2020). Impact of digital marketing capabilities on market performance of small to medium enterprise agro-processors in Harare, Zimbabwe. Business: Theory and Practice, 21(2), 746-757.
Purnomo, Y. J. (2023). Digital marketing strategy to increase sales conversion on e-commerce platforms. Journal of Contemporary Administration and Management (ADMAN), 1(2), 54-62.
Raji, M. A., Olodo, H. B., Oke, T. T., Addy, W. A., Ofodile, O. C., & Oyewole, A. T. (2024). Digital marketing in tour-ism: a review of practices in the USA and Africa. International Journal of Applied Research in Social Sciences, 6(3), 393-408.
Randhir, R., Latasha, K., Tooraiven, P., & Monishan, B. (2016). Analyzing the impact of sensory marketing on consum-ers: A case study of KFC. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 13(4), 278-292.
Satti, Z. W., Babar, S. F., & Ahmad, H. M. (2019). Exploring mediating role of service quality in the association be-tween sensory marketing and customer satisfaction. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(7-8), 719-736.
Singh, S., Singh, G., & Dhir, S. (2022). Impact of digital marketing on the competitiveness of the restaurant indus-try. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 27(2), 109-137.
Wang, Y. H., Chen, S. T., & Chen, N. N. (2016). An empirical study of the effect of green marketing on purchase inten-tion-evidence from green restaurant. Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 6(4), 1-14
Wu, A. D., & Zumbo, B. D. (2008). Understanding and using mediators and moderators. Social Indicators Research, 87, 367-392.
Wu, C. W., Botella-Carrubi, D., & Blanco-González-Tejero, C. (2024). The empirical study of digital marketing strate-gy and performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 200, 123142.
Yahya, W. K., Husin, N., Rahim, N. A., Rozila, N., Masdek, N. M., & Daud, S. R. (2021). Assessing motivations towards green product purchase behaviour among young Malaysia: Empirical evidence. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 222-237.
Yusiana, R., Widodo, A., Hidayat, A. M., & Oktaviani, P. K. (2020). Green brand effects on green purchase intention (life restaurant never ended). Dinasti International Journal of Management Science, 1(5), 762-768.
Adiyono, N. G., Rahmat, T. Y., & Anindita, R. (2021). Digital marketing strategies to increase online business sales through social media. Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPU-MENT), 1(2), 31-37.
Akuma, J. K., Akude, D. N., Kwaning, E. A., & Asiama, K. A. (2024). Green marketing practices and financial perfor-mance of manufacturing firms: The moderating role of organizational culture. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 8(1), 1-14.
Alafeef, M. A. M. I. (2014). The Impact of Social Media on Sales Promotion in E-commerce Companies (Case Study–KSA-Al Baha City). European Journal of Business and Management, 6(16), 197-204.
Alanazi, T. M. (2022). Marketing 5.0: An empirical investigation of its perceived effect on marketing perfor-mance. Marketing i menedžment innovacij, 13(4), 55-64.
Alnaim, A., & Albarq, A. (2023). Impact of digital marketing on consumer behavior: A quantitative analysis on fast fashion industry in the KSA. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(3), 1059-1066.
Alsheikh, L. H. (2020). The Impact of green marketing strategies on marketing performance of small and medium-sized Restaurants in Saudi Arabia. TEST Engineering & Management, 83, 10084-10091.
Asikin, M. Z., Fadilah, M. O., Saputro, W. E., Aditia, O. and Ridzki, M. M. (2024). The influence of digital marketing on competitive advantage and performance of micro, small and medium enterprises. International Journal of Social Service and Research, 4(03), 963-970.
Bin-Yamin, B. (2017). Impact of digital marketing as a tool of marketing communication: a behavioral perspective on consumers of Bangladesh. American Journal of Trade and Policy, 4(3), 117-122.
Chang, J. C., & Bayardalai, M. (2024). A sustainability perspective-The influence of green marketing on Mongolian consumer attitudes. Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 14(6), 1-10.
Dangelico, R. M., & Vocalelli, D. (2017). Green marketing: An analysis of definitions, strategy steps, and tools through a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Cleaner production, 165, 1263-1279.
Dastane, D. O. (2020). Impact of digital marketing on online purchase intention: Mediation effect of customer relation-ship management. Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 10, 142-158.
De Pelsmacker, P., Van Tilburg, S., & Holthof, C. (2018). Digital marketing strategies, online reviews and hotel per-formance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, 47-55.
Dogra, P., & Kaushal, A. (2023). The impact of digital marketing and promotional strategies on attitude and purchase intention towards financial products and service: A case of emerging economy. Journal of Marketing Communica-tions, 29(4), 403-430.
Elrayah, M. (2021). The relationship between the adoption of digital marketing, revenues, costs, and skills gap among marketing professionals in the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). International Journal of Marketing and Technology, 11(5), 1-10.
Erawan, P. Y. P., Wahyuni, N. M., & Indiani, N. L. P. (2024). The influence of brand image and green marketing on pur-chasing decisions which are mediated by customer satisfaction in the coffee shop industry in Denpasar. International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability, and Social Science, 5(3), 513-527.
Hardiansyah, R., Fahlia, F., & Nuramaliyah, N. (2024). The impact of digital marketing and entrepreneurial capabilities on marketing performance. Indonesian Business Review, 7(2), 105-114.
Hasan, Z., & Ali, N. A. (2015). The impact of green marketing strategy on the firm's performance in Malay-sia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172, 463-470.
Hawaldar, I. T., Ullal, M. S., Sarea, A., Mathukutti, R. T., & Joseph, N. (2022). The study on digital marketing influ-ences on sales for B2B start-ups in South Asia. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexi-ty, 8(1), 23.
Hidayat, M. S., Kasnowo, K., & Dwihandoko, T. H. (2024). The relationship between green marketing and business Per-formance: A systematic literature review. Innovative: Journal of Social Science Research, 4(4), 3966-3978.
Hoang, D. S., & Tučková, Z. (2021). The impact of sensory marketing on street food for the return of international visi-tors: Case study in Vietnam. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration. 2021, 29(2), 1282.
Isaac, N., & Keelson, S. A. (2023). The mediating effects of market culture and customer service skills in the sensory marketing and non-Economic performance relationship of Ghana’s restaurant sector. Social Sciences, 10(1), 197-212.
Jeong, E., & Jang, S. (2013). The impact of restaurant green practices: Does it really influence restaurant image and cus-tomer attitude? The 18th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism. Seattle, ABD: Nevada Üniversitesi, 138-145.
Judd, C. M., Yzerbyt, V. Y., & Muller, D. (2014). Mediation and moderation. Handbook of research methods in social and personality psychology, 2, 653-676.
Khan, A., & Islam, M. A. (2017). The impact of digital marketing on increasing customer loyalty: a study on Dhaka city, Bangladesh. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 5(4), 521-528.
Krishna, A. (2012). An integrative review of sensory marketing: Engaging the senses to affect perception, judgment and behavior. Journal of consumer psychology, 22(3), 332-351.
Lambert, A., Jones, R. P., & Clinton, S. (2021). Employee engagement and the service profit chain in a quick-service restaurant organization. Journal of Business Research, 135, 214-225.
Lucas, T., & Sines, C. (2019). Marketing strategies to increase sales in small family-style restaurant businesses. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 8(1), 55-66.
Memon, I. A., Chandio, F. K., Bhatti, A., & Kazi, A. G. (2019). The impact of green marketing on the financial perfor-mance of textile industry. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Research, 2(4), 16-20.
Miroshnychenko, I., Barontini, R., & Testa, F. (2017). Green practices and financial performance: A global out-look. Journal of Cleaner Production, 147, 340-351.
Moon, S. J. (2021). Investigating beliefs, attitudes, and intentions regarding green restaurant patronage: An application of the extended theory of planned behavior with moderating effects of gender and age. International Journal of Hos-pitality Management, 92, 102727.
Munir, A., Kadir, N., & Umar, F. (2023). The impact of digital marketing and brand articulating capability for enhanc-ing marketing capability. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(1), 65-72.
Nadanyiova, M., Kliestikova, J., & Kolencik, J. (2018). Sensory marketing from the perspective of a support tool for building brand value. Economics and culture, 15(1), 96-104.
Pandiangan, S. M. T., Octiva, C. S., Yusuf, M., Suryani, S., & Sesario, R. (2022). The role of digital marketing in in-creasing sales turnover for micro, small, and medium enterprises. Jurnal Pengabdian Mandiri, 1(12), 2601-2606.
Phiri, M. (2020). Impact of digital marketing capabilities on market performance of small to medium enterprise agro-processors in Harare, Zimbabwe. Business: Theory and Practice, 21(2), 746-757.
Purnomo, Y. J. (2023). Digital marketing strategy to increase sales conversion on e-commerce platforms. Journal of Contemporary Administration and Management (ADMAN), 1(2), 54-62.
Raji, M. A., Olodo, H. B., Oke, T. T., Addy, W. A., Ofodile, O. C., & Oyewole, A. T. (2024). Digital marketing in tour-ism: a review of practices in the USA and Africa. International Journal of Applied Research in Social Sciences, 6(3), 393-408.
Randhir, R., Latasha, K., Tooraiven, P., & Monishan, B. (2016). Analyzing the impact of sensory marketing on consum-ers: A case study of KFC. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 13(4), 278-292.
Satti, Z. W., Babar, S. F., & Ahmad, H. M. (2019). Exploring mediating role of service quality in the association be-tween sensory marketing and customer satisfaction. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 32(7-8), 719-736.
Singh, S., Singh, G., & Dhir, S. (2022). Impact of digital marketing on the competitiveness of the restaurant indus-try. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 27(2), 109-137.
Wang, Y. H., Chen, S. T., & Chen, N. N. (2016). An empirical study of the effect of green marketing on purchase inten-tion-evidence from green restaurant. Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 6(4), 1-14
Wu, A. D., & Zumbo, B. D. (2008). Understanding and using mediators and moderators. Social Indicators Research, 87, 367-392.
Wu, C. W., Botella-Carrubi, D., & Blanco-González-Tejero, C. (2024). The empirical study of digital marketing strate-gy and performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 200, 123142.
Yahya, W. K., Husin, N., Rahim, N. A., Rozila, N., Masdek, N. M., & Daud, S. R. (2021). Assessing motivations towards green product purchase behaviour among young Malaysia: Empirical evidence. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 222-237.
Yusiana, R., Widodo, A., Hidayat, A. M., & Oktaviani, P. K. (2020). Green brand effects on green purchase intention (life restaurant never ended). Dinasti International Journal of Management Science, 1(5), 762-768.