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Hartati, E., Siagian, H., Tarigan, Z & Jie, F. (2025). The influence of project managing capability, IT integration, supply coordination, and process innovation to improve organizational performance of educational institutions.Journal of Project Management, 10(1), 27-42.
Abbady, M.A.S., Akkaya, M., & Sari, A. (2019). Big data governance, dynamic capability and decision-making effec-tiveness: Fuzzy sets approach. Decision Science Letters, 8(4), 429-440, DOI: 10.5267/j.dsl.2019.5.003
Adam, A., Lindahl, G., & Leiringer, R. (2020). The dynamic capabilities of public construction clients in the healthcare sector. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(1), 153-171. DOI:10.1108/IJMPB-06-2018-0111
Agarwal, U.A., & Narayana, S.A. (2020). Impact of relational communication on buyer-supplier relationship satisfac-tion: Role of trust and commitment. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 27(8), 2459–2496.
Akhorshaideha, A.H.O., AL Freijatb, S.Y., Al-Hyaric, H.S.M., Hammourid, Q., Alfraheede, M., & Al Hammourif, S. (2024). The impact of IT tools on project management efficiency in the public sector: The mediating role of team communication. Journal of Project Management, 9(4), 345–352, doi: 10.5267/j.jpm.2024.8.002
Alnoor, A., Abdullah, H.O., AL-Abrrow, H., Wah Khaw, K., Al-Awidi, I.A., Abbas, S., & Omrane, A. (2021). A fuzzy Delphi analytic job demands resources model to rank factors influencing open innovation. Transnational Corpora-tions Review, 14(2), 178-192,
Alosani, M.S., Yusoff, R., & Al-Dhaafri, H. (2020). The effect of innovation and strategic planning on enhancing the or-ganizational performance of Dubai Police. Innovation & Management Review, 17(1), 2-24.
Amade, B. (2023). Exploring the influence of information and communication technology (ICT) on construction supply chain management: Empirical evidence from a construction project’s perspective. Journal of Project Management, 8(1), 67–80. doi:10.5267/j.jpm.2022.7.001
Ataseven, C., & Nair, A. (2017). Assessment of supply chain integration and performance relationships: A meta-analytic investigation of literature. International Journal of Production Economics, 185, 252-265, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.01.007.
Attia, A., & Eldin, I.E. (2018). Organizational learning, knowledge management capability and supply chain manage-ment practices in the Saudi food industry. Journal of Knowledge Management, 22(6), 1217–1242.
Baah, C., Agyabeng-Mensah, Y., Afum, E., Acquah, I.S.K., & Essel, D. (2023). Government influence on logis-tics and supply chain innovations: assessing implications for firm performance and societal impact in an emerging economy. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 19(11), 3646-3666,
Basana, S. R., Suprapto, W., Andreani, F., & Tarigan, Z.J.H. (2022). The impact of supply chain practice on green hotel performance through internal, upstream, and downstream integration. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(1), 169-180, DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.010
Chang, W., Ellinger, A., Kim, K., & Franke, K. (2016). Supply chain integration and firm financial performance: A me-ta-analysis of positional advantage mediation and moderating factors. European Management Journal, 34(3), 282-295, DOI: 10.1016/j.emj.2015.11.008
Côrte-Real, N., Oliveira, T., & Ruivo, P. (2017). Assessing business value of big data analytics in European firms. Jour-nal of Business Research, 70, 379-390,
Costa, V.O., Rocha, R.R., & Madeira, M.J. (2022). Product and service innovation in Portugal: patterns and specificities. International Journal of Innovation Science, 14(1), 21-39.
Dhaundiyal, M., & Coughlan, J. (2022). Extending alliance management capability in individual alliances in the post-formation stage. Industrial Marketing Management, 102, 12–23,
Hani, J.S.B. (2021). The moderating role of lean operations between supply chain integration and operational perfor-mance in Saudi manufacturing organizations. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(1), 169–178, DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2020.10.004
Harianto, K.J., Tarigan, Z.J.H., Siagian, H., Basana, S.R., & Jie, F. (2024). The effect of digital ERP implementation, supply chain integration, and supply chain flexibility on business performance. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 8(4), 2399-2414, DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2024.5.017
Huo, B., Qi, Y., Wang, Z., & Zhao, X. (2015). The impact of supply chain integration on firm performance: The moder-ating role of competitive strategy. Supply Chain Management An International Journal 19(4), 369-384, DOI:10.1108/SCM-03-2013-0096
Kim, D., Cavusgil, S.T., & Cavusgil, E. (2013). Does IT alignment between supply chain partners enhance customer value creation? An empirical investigation. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(6), 880-889.
Kongrode, J. Aujirapongpan, S., & Ru-Zhue, J. (2023). Exploring the impact of dynamic talent management capability on competitive performance: The mediating roles of dynamic marketing capability of startups. Journal of Competi-tiveness, 15(1), 113–130.
Kwak, D.W., Seo, Y.J., & Mason, R. (2018). Investigating the relationship between supply chain innovation, risk man-agement capabilities and competitive advantage in global supply chains. International Journal of Operations & Pro-duction Management, 38(1), 2-21. doi: 10.1108/ijopm-06-2015-0390.
Lee, R., Lee, J.H., & Garrett, T.C. (2019). Synergy effects of innovation on firm performance. Journal of Business Re-search, 99, 507-515. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.08.032
Magutu, P.O., Aduda, J., & Nyaoga, R.B. (2015). Does supply chain technology moderate the relationship between sup-ply chain strategies and firm performance? Evidence from large-scale manufacturing firms in Kenya. International Strategic Management Review, 3(1/2), 43–65,
Maley, J.F., Kowalkowski, C., Brege, S., & Biggemann, S. (2015). Outsourcing maintenance in complex process indus-tries: Managing firm capabilities in lock-in effect. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 27(5), 801-825.
Misbahuddin, Ma’arif, M.S., Suroso, A.I., & Triyonggo, Y. (2024). The linkage between leadership style of project manager and project performance: Evidence from telecommunication industry. Journal of Project Management, 9(3), 163-182, doi:10.5267/j.jpm.2024.6.001
Moshtari, M., Altay, N., Heikkilä, J., & Gonçalves, P. (2021). Procurement in humanitarian organizations: body of knowledge and practitioner’s challenges. International Journal of Production Economics, 233, 108017,
Negi, S. (2021). Supply chain efficiency framework to improve business performance in a competitive era. Management Research Review, 44(3), 477-508.
Oke, A., Prajogo, D., Idiagbon-Oke, M., & Cheng, T.C.E. (2022). Linking environmental forces, absorptive capacity, in-formation sharing and innovation performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 122(7), 1738-1755.
Petruzzelli, A.L.A., Panniello, U., & Garavelli, A. (2019). Towards Industry 4.0: mapping digital technologies for sup-ply chain management-marketing integration. Business Process Management Journal, 25(2), 323-346,
Pirmanta, P., Tarigan, Z., & Basana, S. (2021). The effect of ERP on firm performance through information quality and supply chain integration in Covid-19 era. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(3), 659-666. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.5.004
Qandah, R., Suifan, T.S., Masa'deh, R., & Obeidat, B.Y. (2021). The impact of knowledge management capabilities on innovation in entrepreneurial companies in Jordan. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 29(4), 989-1014.
Rajaguru, R., & Matanda, M.J. (2019). Role of compatibility and supply chain process integration in facilitating supply chain capabilities and organizational performance. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 24(2), 315-330, doi: 10.1108/SCM-05-2017-0187.
Ranta, V., Aarikka-Stenroos, L., & Vaisanen, J.M. (2021). Digital technologies catalyzing business model innovation for circular economy—Multiple case study. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 164, 105155. DOI:10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105155
Sahoo, S. (2021). Aligning operational practices to competitive strategies to enhance the performance of Indian manu-facturing firms. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 28(1), 131-165, DOI:10.1108/BIJ-03-2020-0128
Sáenz, M.J., Revilla, E., & Knoppen, D. (2014). Absorptive capacity in buyer-supplier relationships: empirical evidence of its mediating role. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 50(2), 18-40.
Schniederjans, D.G. (2018). Business process innovation on quality and supply chains. Business Process Management Journal, 24(3), 635-651.
Scuotto, V., Caputo, F., Villasalero, M., & Del Giudice, M. (2017). A multiple buyer–supplier relationship in the con-text of SMEs' digital supply chain management. Production Planning and Control, 28(16), 1378-1388.
Sedera, D., Lokuge, S., Grover, V., Sarker, S., & Sarker, S. (2016). Innovating with enterprise systems and digital plat-forms: a contingent resource-based theory view. Information and Management, 53(3), 366-379, doi: 10.1016/
Selvakumar, J. J., Suganya, G. Arthi, T.S., & Pachiyappan, S. (2024). Does risk management components influence on project success? Evidence from IT sector. Journal of Project Management, 9(3), 269-276. doi:10.5267/j.jpm.2024.4.001
Siagian, H., Tarigan, Z.J.H., & Basana, R.B. (2022). The role of top management commitment in enhancing competitive advantage: The mediating role of green innovation, supplier, and customer integration. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(2), 477-494, DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.12.003
Siagian, H., Tarigan, Z.J.H., & Jie, F. (2021). Supply chain integration enables resilience, flexibility, and innovation to improve business performance in the COVID-19 era. Sustainability, 13(9), 4669, doi: 10.3390/su13094669.
Singh, S.K., & El-Kassar, A.N. (2019). Role of big data analytics in developing sustainable capabilities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 213, 1264-1273, doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.12.199.
Soesetyo, Z.E., Tarigan, Z.J.H., Siagian, H., Basana, S.R., & Jie, F. (2024). The role of top management is to improve operational performance through IT adoption, supply chain integration, and green supply chain management. Deci-sion Science Letters, 13(3), 647-662, DOI: 10.5267/j.dsl.2024.4.007
Solaimani, S., & van der Veen, J. (2022). Open supply chain innovation: an extended view on supply chain collabora-tion. Supply Chain Management, 27(5), 597-610.
Somwethee, P. Aujirapongpan, S., & Ru-Zhue, J. (2023). The influence of entrepreneurial capability and innovation ca-pability on sustainable organization performance: Evidence of community enterprise in Thailand. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 9(2), 100082,
Song, M., & Liao, Y. (2019). Information sharing, operations capabilities, market intelligence responsiveness and firm performance: A moderated mediation model. Baltic Journal of Management, 14(1), 58-78.
Sundram, V. P. K., Rajagopal P., Atikah S. B., & Subramaniam, G. (2018). The role of supply chain integration on green practices and performance in a supply chain context. A conceptual approach to future research. International Journal of Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 7(1), 95-104.
Taleb, T.S.T., Hashim, N., & Zakaria, N. (2023). Mediating effect of innovation capability between entrepreneurial re-sources and micro business performance. The Bottom Line, 36(1), 77-100.
Tarigan, Z.J.H. (2018). The impact of organization commitment to process and product innovation in improving opera-tional performance. International Journal of Business and Society, 19(2), 335-346
Tarigan, Z.J.H., Basana, S.R., & Suprapto, W. (2018). Enterprise resources planning project manager competency on improving organizational performance through process design and quality performance. Proceedings of the 2018 2nd International Conference on E-Education, E-Business and E-Technology, 153-157.
Tarigan, Z.J.H., & Siagian, H. (2021). The effects of strategic planning, purchasing strategy and strategic partnership on operational performance. Uncertain Supply Chain Management 9(2), 363-372 DOI:10.5267/j.uscm.2021.2.006
Tarigan, Z.J.H., Siagian, H., & Pirmanta. (2020). The impact of implementing enterprise resources planning (ERP) pro-ject on firm performance and organizational citizenship behavior as a moderating. Journal of Project Management, 5(4), 227-236, doi: 10.5267/j.jpm.2020.8.001
Wadho, W., & Chaudhry, A. (2018). Innovation and firm performance in developing countries: The case of Pakistani textile and apparel manufacturers. Research Policy, 47(7), 1283-1294,
Wang, T., Wu, J., Gu, J., & Hu, L. (2021). Impact of open innovation on organizational performance in different conflict management styles: based on resource dependence theory. International Journal of Conflict Management, 32(2), 199-222. DOI 10.1108/IJCMA-09-2019-0165
Wong, C.W.Y., Lai, K.H., & Bernroider, E.W.N. (2015). The performance of contingencies of supply chain information integration: the roles of product and market complexity. International Journal of Production Economics, 165, 1-11, doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.03.005.
Wong, C.W.Y., Lirn, T.C., Yang, C.C., & Shang, K.C. (2020). Supply chain and external conditions under which supply chain resilience pays: an organizational information processing theorization. International Journal of Production Economics, 226, 107610, doi:w10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.107610.
Yang, M., Mingtao Fu, & Zhang Z. (2021). The adoption of digital technologies in supply chains: Drivers, process and impact. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 169, 120795, doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120795.
Yazici, H.J. (2020). An exploratory analysis of the project management and corporate sustainability capabilities for or-ganizational success. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(4), 793-817.
Yu, Y., Huo, B., & Zhang, Z.J. (2021). Impact of information technology on supply chain integration and company per-formance: evidence from cross-border e-commerce companies in China. Journal of Enterprise Information Man-agement, 34(1), 460–489.
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Zhou, F. & Xu, S. (2024). How digitalization and information technology adoption affect firms' innovation perfor-mance: evidence from Chinese automotive firms. European Journal of Innovation Management,
Zhu, Z., Zhao, J., & Bush, A.A. (2020). The effects of e-business processes in supply chain operations: Process compo-nent and value creation mechanisms. International Journal of Information Management, 50, 273-285
Adam, A., Lindahl, G., & Leiringer, R. (2020). The dynamic capabilities of public construction clients in the healthcare sector. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(1), 153-171. DOI:10.1108/IJMPB-06-2018-0111
Agarwal, U.A., & Narayana, S.A. (2020). Impact of relational communication on buyer-supplier relationship satisfac-tion: Role of trust and commitment. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 27(8), 2459–2496.
Akhorshaideha, A.H.O., AL Freijatb, S.Y., Al-Hyaric, H.S.M., Hammourid, Q., Alfraheede, M., & Al Hammourif, S. (2024). The impact of IT tools on project management efficiency in the public sector: The mediating role of team communication. Journal of Project Management, 9(4), 345–352, doi: 10.5267/j.jpm.2024.8.002
Alnoor, A., Abdullah, H.O., AL-Abrrow, H., Wah Khaw, K., Al-Awidi, I.A., Abbas, S., & Omrane, A. (2021). A fuzzy Delphi analytic job demands resources model to rank factors influencing open innovation. Transnational Corpora-tions Review, 14(2), 178-192,
Alosani, M.S., Yusoff, R., & Al-Dhaafri, H. (2020). The effect of innovation and strategic planning on enhancing the or-ganizational performance of Dubai Police. Innovation & Management Review, 17(1), 2-24.
Amade, B. (2023). Exploring the influence of information and communication technology (ICT) on construction supply chain management: Empirical evidence from a construction project’s perspective. Journal of Project Management, 8(1), 67–80. doi:10.5267/j.jpm.2022.7.001
Ataseven, C., & Nair, A. (2017). Assessment of supply chain integration and performance relationships: A meta-analytic investigation of literature. International Journal of Production Economics, 185, 252-265, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.01.007.
Attia, A., & Eldin, I.E. (2018). Organizational learning, knowledge management capability and supply chain manage-ment practices in the Saudi food industry. Journal of Knowledge Management, 22(6), 1217–1242.
Baah, C., Agyabeng-Mensah, Y., Afum, E., Acquah, I.S.K., & Essel, D. (2023). Government influence on logis-tics and supply chain innovations: assessing implications for firm performance and societal impact in an emerging economy. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 19(11), 3646-3666,
Basana, S. R., Suprapto, W., Andreani, F., & Tarigan, Z.J.H. (2022). The impact of supply chain practice on green hotel performance through internal, upstream, and downstream integration. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(1), 169-180, DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.010
Chang, W., Ellinger, A., Kim, K., & Franke, K. (2016). Supply chain integration and firm financial performance: A me-ta-analysis of positional advantage mediation and moderating factors. European Management Journal, 34(3), 282-295, DOI: 10.1016/j.emj.2015.11.008
Côrte-Real, N., Oliveira, T., & Ruivo, P. (2017). Assessing business value of big data analytics in European firms. Jour-nal of Business Research, 70, 379-390,
Costa, V.O., Rocha, R.R., & Madeira, M.J. (2022). Product and service innovation in Portugal: patterns and specificities. International Journal of Innovation Science, 14(1), 21-39.
Dhaundiyal, M., & Coughlan, J. (2022). Extending alliance management capability in individual alliances in the post-formation stage. Industrial Marketing Management, 102, 12–23,
Hani, J.S.B. (2021). The moderating role of lean operations between supply chain integration and operational perfor-mance in Saudi manufacturing organizations. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(1), 169–178, DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2020.10.004
Harianto, K.J., Tarigan, Z.J.H., Siagian, H., Basana, S.R., & Jie, F. (2024). The effect of digital ERP implementation, supply chain integration, and supply chain flexibility on business performance. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 8(4), 2399-2414, DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2024.5.017
Huo, B., Qi, Y., Wang, Z., & Zhao, X. (2015). The impact of supply chain integration on firm performance: The moder-ating role of competitive strategy. Supply Chain Management An International Journal 19(4), 369-384, DOI:10.1108/SCM-03-2013-0096
Kim, D., Cavusgil, S.T., & Cavusgil, E. (2013). Does IT alignment between supply chain partners enhance customer value creation? An empirical investigation. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(6), 880-889.
Kongrode, J. Aujirapongpan, S., & Ru-Zhue, J. (2023). Exploring the impact of dynamic talent management capability on competitive performance: The mediating roles of dynamic marketing capability of startups. Journal of Competi-tiveness, 15(1), 113–130.
Kwak, D.W., Seo, Y.J., & Mason, R. (2018). Investigating the relationship between supply chain innovation, risk man-agement capabilities and competitive advantage in global supply chains. International Journal of Operations & Pro-duction Management, 38(1), 2-21. doi: 10.1108/ijopm-06-2015-0390.
Lee, R., Lee, J.H., & Garrett, T.C. (2019). Synergy effects of innovation on firm performance. Journal of Business Re-search, 99, 507-515. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.08.032
Magutu, P.O., Aduda, J., & Nyaoga, R.B. (2015). Does supply chain technology moderate the relationship between sup-ply chain strategies and firm performance? Evidence from large-scale manufacturing firms in Kenya. International Strategic Management Review, 3(1/2), 43–65,
Maley, J.F., Kowalkowski, C., Brege, S., & Biggemann, S. (2015). Outsourcing maintenance in complex process indus-tries: Managing firm capabilities in lock-in effect. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 27(5), 801-825.
Misbahuddin, Ma’arif, M.S., Suroso, A.I., & Triyonggo, Y. (2024). The linkage between leadership style of project manager and project performance: Evidence from telecommunication industry. Journal of Project Management, 9(3), 163-182, doi:10.5267/j.jpm.2024.6.001
Moshtari, M., Altay, N., Heikkilä, J., & Gonçalves, P. (2021). Procurement in humanitarian organizations: body of knowledge and practitioner’s challenges. International Journal of Production Economics, 233, 108017,
Negi, S. (2021). Supply chain efficiency framework to improve business performance in a competitive era. Management Research Review, 44(3), 477-508.
Oke, A., Prajogo, D., Idiagbon-Oke, M., & Cheng, T.C.E. (2022). Linking environmental forces, absorptive capacity, in-formation sharing and innovation performance. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 122(7), 1738-1755.
Petruzzelli, A.L.A., Panniello, U., & Garavelli, A. (2019). Towards Industry 4.0: mapping digital technologies for sup-ply chain management-marketing integration. Business Process Management Journal, 25(2), 323-346,
Pirmanta, P., Tarigan, Z., & Basana, S. (2021). The effect of ERP on firm performance through information quality and supply chain integration in Covid-19 era. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(3), 659-666. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.5.004
Qandah, R., Suifan, T.S., Masa'deh, R., & Obeidat, B.Y. (2021). The impact of knowledge management capabilities on innovation in entrepreneurial companies in Jordan. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 29(4), 989-1014.
Rajaguru, R., & Matanda, M.J. (2019). Role of compatibility and supply chain process integration in facilitating supply chain capabilities and organizational performance. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 24(2), 315-330, doi: 10.1108/SCM-05-2017-0187.
Ranta, V., Aarikka-Stenroos, L., & Vaisanen, J.M. (2021). Digital technologies catalyzing business model innovation for circular economy—Multiple case study. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 164, 105155. DOI:10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105155
Sahoo, S. (2021). Aligning operational practices to competitive strategies to enhance the performance of Indian manu-facturing firms. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 28(1), 131-165, DOI:10.1108/BIJ-03-2020-0128
Sáenz, M.J., Revilla, E., & Knoppen, D. (2014). Absorptive capacity in buyer-supplier relationships: empirical evidence of its mediating role. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 50(2), 18-40.
Schniederjans, D.G. (2018). Business process innovation on quality and supply chains. Business Process Management Journal, 24(3), 635-651.
Scuotto, V., Caputo, F., Villasalero, M., & Del Giudice, M. (2017). A multiple buyer–supplier relationship in the con-text of SMEs' digital supply chain management. Production Planning and Control, 28(16), 1378-1388.
Sedera, D., Lokuge, S., Grover, V., Sarker, S., & Sarker, S. (2016). Innovating with enterprise systems and digital plat-forms: a contingent resource-based theory view. Information and Management, 53(3), 366-379, doi: 10.1016/
Selvakumar, J. J., Suganya, G. Arthi, T.S., & Pachiyappan, S. (2024). Does risk management components influence on project success? Evidence from IT sector. Journal of Project Management, 9(3), 269-276. doi:10.5267/j.jpm.2024.4.001
Siagian, H., Tarigan, Z.J.H., & Basana, R.B. (2022). The role of top management commitment in enhancing competitive advantage: The mediating role of green innovation, supplier, and customer integration. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(2), 477-494, DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.12.003
Siagian, H., Tarigan, Z.J.H., & Jie, F. (2021). Supply chain integration enables resilience, flexibility, and innovation to improve business performance in the COVID-19 era. Sustainability, 13(9), 4669, doi: 10.3390/su13094669.
Singh, S.K., & El-Kassar, A.N. (2019). Role of big data analytics in developing sustainable capabilities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 213, 1264-1273, doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.12.199.
Soesetyo, Z.E., Tarigan, Z.J.H., Siagian, H., Basana, S.R., & Jie, F. (2024). The role of top management is to improve operational performance through IT adoption, supply chain integration, and green supply chain management. Deci-sion Science Letters, 13(3), 647-662, DOI: 10.5267/j.dsl.2024.4.007
Solaimani, S., & van der Veen, J. (2022). Open supply chain innovation: an extended view on supply chain collabora-tion. Supply Chain Management, 27(5), 597-610.
Somwethee, P. Aujirapongpan, S., & Ru-Zhue, J. (2023). The influence of entrepreneurial capability and innovation ca-pability on sustainable organization performance: Evidence of community enterprise in Thailand. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 9(2), 100082,
Song, M., & Liao, Y. (2019). Information sharing, operations capabilities, market intelligence responsiveness and firm performance: A moderated mediation model. Baltic Journal of Management, 14(1), 58-78.
Sundram, V. P. K., Rajagopal P., Atikah S. B., & Subramaniam, G. (2018). The role of supply chain integration on green practices and performance in a supply chain context. A conceptual approach to future research. International Journal of Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 7(1), 95-104.
Taleb, T.S.T., Hashim, N., & Zakaria, N. (2023). Mediating effect of innovation capability between entrepreneurial re-sources and micro business performance. The Bottom Line, 36(1), 77-100.
Tarigan, Z.J.H. (2018). The impact of organization commitment to process and product innovation in improving opera-tional performance. International Journal of Business and Society, 19(2), 335-346
Tarigan, Z.J.H., Basana, S.R., & Suprapto, W. (2018). Enterprise resources planning project manager competency on improving organizational performance through process design and quality performance. Proceedings of the 2018 2nd International Conference on E-Education, E-Business and E-Technology, 153-157.
Tarigan, Z.J.H., & Siagian, H. (2021). The effects of strategic planning, purchasing strategy and strategic partnership on operational performance. Uncertain Supply Chain Management 9(2), 363-372 DOI:10.5267/j.uscm.2021.2.006
Tarigan, Z.J.H., Siagian, H., & Pirmanta. (2020). The impact of implementing enterprise resources planning (ERP) pro-ject on firm performance and organizational citizenship behavior as a moderating. Journal of Project Management, 5(4), 227-236, doi: 10.5267/j.jpm.2020.8.001
Wadho, W., & Chaudhry, A. (2018). Innovation and firm performance in developing countries: The case of Pakistani textile and apparel manufacturers. Research Policy, 47(7), 1283-1294,
Wang, T., Wu, J., Gu, J., & Hu, L. (2021). Impact of open innovation on organizational performance in different conflict management styles: based on resource dependence theory. International Journal of Conflict Management, 32(2), 199-222. DOI 10.1108/IJCMA-09-2019-0165
Wong, C.W.Y., Lai, K.H., & Bernroider, E.W.N. (2015). The performance of contingencies of supply chain information integration: the roles of product and market complexity. International Journal of Production Economics, 165, 1-11, doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.03.005.
Wong, C.W.Y., Lirn, T.C., Yang, C.C., & Shang, K.C. (2020). Supply chain and external conditions under which supply chain resilience pays: an organizational information processing theorization. International Journal of Production Economics, 226, 107610, doi:w10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.107610.
Yang, M., Mingtao Fu, & Zhang Z. (2021). The adoption of digital technologies in supply chains: Drivers, process and impact. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 169, 120795, doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120795.
Yazici, H.J. (2020). An exploratory analysis of the project management and corporate sustainability capabilities for or-ganizational success. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(4), 793-817.
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