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Santosa, S., Mudiantono, M., Murniyono, C., Hersugondo, H & Soesanto, H. (2020). Increasing consumers to consumers (C2C) e-commerce in central Java, Indonesia.Accounting, 6(5), 753-762.
Ahmed, E., & Akhlaq, A. (2015). Digital commerce in emerging economies: Factors associated with online shopping intentions in Pakistan. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 10(4), 634–647.
Al-Adwan, A. S. (2019). Revealing the influential factors driving social commerce adoption. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 14, 295–324.
Alam, S., Nazim, R., Saleh, M., & Nusari, S. (2018). Analyzing the impact of moral behavior on consumer trust : An Indian e-retailing perspective. International Journal of Management and Human Science, 2(13), 24–36.
Alfanur, F., & Kadono, Y. (2019). Analysis on e-commerce purchase intention and decision in Java and Sumatra. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2019, 1(August), 635–640.
Anggraeni, P., & Madiawati, P. N. (2016). Pengaruh kepercayaan dan kualitas informasi terhadap keputusan pembelian secara online pada situs www. traveloka. com. eProceedings of Management, 3(2).
Bao, Z., & Huang, T. (2018). Exploring stickiness intention of B2C online shopping malls: A perspective from information quality. International Journal of Web Information Systems, 14(2), 177–192.
Chek, Y. L., & Ho, J. S. Y. (2016). Consumer electronics e-retailing: Why the alliance of vendors’ e-service quality, trust and trustworthiness matters. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 219, 804–811.
Faqih, K. M. S. (2016). An empirical analysis of factors predicting the behavioral intention to adopt Internet shopping technology among non-shoppers in a developing country context: Does gender matter? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 30, 140–164.
Ghosh, M. (2018). Measuring electronic service quality in India using E-S-QUAL. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 35(2), 430–445.
Giao, H., Vuong, B., & Quan, T. (2020). The influence of website quality on consumer’s e-loyalty through the mediating role of e-trust and e-satisfaction: An evidence from online shopping in Vietnam. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 8(2), 351-370.
Goutam, D., & Gopalakrishna, B. (2018). Customer loyalty development in online shopping: An integration of e-service quality model and commitment-trust theory. Management Science Letters, 8(11), 1149-1158.
Gunawan, A. V., Linawati, L., Pranandito, D., & Kartono, R. (2019). The Determinant Factors of E-Commerce Purchase Decision in Jakarta and Tangerang. Binus Business Review, 10(1), 21.
Hariguna, T., & Berlilana, B. (2017). Understanding of antecedents to achieve customer trust and customer intention to purchase e-commerce in social media, an empirical assessment. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(3), 1240–1245.
Ha, N., & Nguyen, T. (2019). The effect of trust on consumers’ online purchase intention: An integration of TAM and TPB. Management Science Letters, 9(9), 1451-1460.
Hassan, A. H., Manna, R. F., & El-Ebiary, Y. (2017). The Effect of Trust Based Factors on Using Mobile Commerce in Jordan. International Journal on Contemporary Computer Research (IJCCR), 1(2), 1-7.
Ingham, J., & Cadieux, J. (2016). From E-shopping system quality to the consumer’s intention to return: A meta-analytic study of the mediation of attitude, usefulness, enjoyment, and trust. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2016-March, 3556–3564.
Jamshida, K. V., & Rajeswari, B. (2019). The impact of C2C communication and shared information on buying decision: “A buyer’s perspective.” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 6), 634–637.
Katawetawaraks, C., & Wang, C. L. (2011). Online shopper behavior influences online shoping. Asian Journal of Business Research, 1(2), 66–74.
Kumar, D., & Goyal, N. (2016). Security issues in M-commerce for online transaction. 2016 5th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization, ICRITO 2016: Trends and Future Directions, 409–414.
Kundu, S., & Datta, S. K. (2015). Impact of trust on the relationship of e-service quality and customer satisfaction. EuroMed Journal of Business, 10(1), 21–46.
Lee, K., Haque, A., Maulan, S., & Abdullah, K. (2019). Determining intention to buy air e-tickets in Malaysia. Management Science Letters, 9(6), 933-944.
Liu, C., Bao, Z., & Zheng, C. (2019). Exploring consumers’ purchase intention in social commerce: An empirical study based on trust, argument quality, and social presence. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31(2), 378–397.
Mohseni, S., Jayashree, S., Rezaei, S., Kasim, A., & Okumus, F. (2018). Attracting tourists to travel companies’ websites: the structural relationship between website brand, personal value, shopping experience, perceived risk and purchase intention. Current Issues in Tourism, 21(6), 616–645.
Oliveira, T., Alhinho, M., Rita, P., & Dhillon, G. (2017). Modelling and testing consumer trust dimensions in e-commerce. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, 153–164.
Prasad, S., Gupta, I. C., & Totala, N. K. (2017). Social media usage, electronic word of mouth and purchase-decision involvement. In Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration (Vol. 9).
Pourkhani, A., Abdipour, K., Baher, B., & Moslehpour, M. (2019). The impact of social media in business growth and performance: A scientometrics analysis. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 3(3), 223-244.
Riantini, R. E., Andini, S., Florencia, M. M., & Rabiah, A. S. (2019). E-Marketing Strategy Analysis of Consumer Purchase Decision in Indonesia Online Sports Stores. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2019, 1(August), 426–431.
Rimawan. (2017). The Influence of Product Quality, Service Quality and Trust on Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty (Case Study PT ABC Tbk). International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 8(7), 2330–2336.
Rouibah, K., Lowry, P. B., & Hwang, Y. (2016). The effects of perceived enjoyment and perceived risks on trust formation and intentions to use online payment systems: New perspectives from an Arab country. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 19, 33–43.
Sari, P. K., & Prasetio, A. (2018). Customer awareness towards digital certificate on E-Commerce: Does it affect purchase decision? Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ICIC 2018, 1–4.
Schena, F. (2016). Rediscovering the Essentiality of Marketing. Springer International Publishing, 747–751.
Schöder, D., Ding, F., & Campos, J. K. (2016). The Impact of E-Commerce Development on Urban Logistics Sustainability. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 04(03), 1–6.
Sfenrianto, Gunawan, W., Kelly, D. S., & Tarigan, R. E. (2018). The use of quality, security and trust factors to improve the online purchase decision. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 96(5), 1436–1445.
Shao, Z., Zhang, L., Li, X., & Guo, Y. (2019). Antecedents of trust and continuance intention in mobile payment platforms: The moderating effect of gender. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 33, 100823.
Sharma, J., & Kurien, D. (2017). Perceived Risk in E-Commerce: A Demographic Perspective. Nmims Management Review, 34(1), 31–57.
Sharma, S., Menard, P., & Mutchler, L. A. (2019). Who to Trust? Applying Trust to Social Commerce. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 59(1), 32–42.
Suhaily, L., & Darmoyo, S. (2017). Effect of product quality, perceived price and brand image on purchase decision mediated by customer trust (study on japanese brand electronic product). Jurnal Manajemen, 21(2), 179–194.
Sukma, Y. (2019). The Influence of Satisfaction and Trust Customers Enterprise Sales Telkomcel Timor Leste Towards Its Loyalty Commitment. 6(1), 562–569.
Towers, N., & Xu, K. (2016). The influence of guanxi on physical distribution service quality availability in e-commerce sourcing fashion garments from China. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 28, 126–136.
Wagner Mainardes, E., de Almeida, C. M., & de-Oliveira, M. (2019). e-Commerce: an analysis of the factors that antecede purchase intentions in an emerging market. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 31(5), 447–468.
Wang, J., Dirusso, D., Gao, J., Li, J., & Zheng, Y. (2016). The Roles of Product Quality and Trust in Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Decision – A Study of Wechat Shopping in China. 2(3), 128–133.
Wibowo, B. A., & Dirgantara, I. (2017). Increase Customer to Customer E-Commerce Transaction in Central Java. Advanced Science Letters, 23(8), 7274-7277.
Widiyanto, I., & Prasilowati, S. L. (2015). Perilaku Pembelian Melalui Internet. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Kewirausahaan (Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship), 17(2), 109–112.
Zhao, X., Deng, S., & Zhou, Y. (2017). The impact of reference effects on online purchase intention of agricultural products. Internet Research, 27(2), 233–255.
Ziaullah, M., Feng, Y., & Akhter, S. N. (2014). E-Loyalty: The influence of product quality and delivery services on e-trust and e-satisfaction in China. International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, 3(10), 20–31.
Al-Adwan, A. S. (2019). Revealing the influential factors driving social commerce adoption. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 14, 295–324.
Alam, S., Nazim, R., Saleh, M., & Nusari, S. (2018). Analyzing the impact of moral behavior on consumer trust : An Indian e-retailing perspective. International Journal of Management and Human Science, 2(13), 24–36.
Alfanur, F., & Kadono, Y. (2019). Analysis on e-commerce purchase intention and decision in Java and Sumatra. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2019, 1(August), 635–640.
Anggraeni, P., & Madiawati, P. N. (2016). Pengaruh kepercayaan dan kualitas informasi terhadap keputusan pembelian secara online pada situs www. traveloka. com. eProceedings of Management, 3(2).
Bao, Z., & Huang, T. (2018). Exploring stickiness intention of B2C online shopping malls: A perspective from information quality. International Journal of Web Information Systems, 14(2), 177–192.
Chek, Y. L., & Ho, J. S. Y. (2016). Consumer electronics e-retailing: Why the alliance of vendors’ e-service quality, trust and trustworthiness matters. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 219, 804–811.
Faqih, K. M. S. (2016). An empirical analysis of factors predicting the behavioral intention to adopt Internet shopping technology among non-shoppers in a developing country context: Does gender matter? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 30, 140–164.
Ghosh, M. (2018). Measuring electronic service quality in India using E-S-QUAL. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 35(2), 430–445.
Giao, H., Vuong, B., & Quan, T. (2020). The influence of website quality on consumer’s e-loyalty through the mediating role of e-trust and e-satisfaction: An evidence from online shopping in Vietnam. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 8(2), 351-370.
Goutam, D., & Gopalakrishna, B. (2018). Customer loyalty development in online shopping: An integration of e-service quality model and commitment-trust theory. Management Science Letters, 8(11), 1149-1158.
Gunawan, A. V., Linawati, L., Pranandito, D., & Kartono, R. (2019). The Determinant Factors of E-Commerce Purchase Decision in Jakarta and Tangerang. Binus Business Review, 10(1), 21.
Hariguna, T., & Berlilana, B. (2017). Understanding of antecedents to achieve customer trust and customer intention to purchase e-commerce in social media, an empirical assessment. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(3), 1240–1245.
Ha, N., & Nguyen, T. (2019). The effect of trust on consumers’ online purchase intention: An integration of TAM and TPB. Management Science Letters, 9(9), 1451-1460.
Hassan, A. H., Manna, R. F., & El-Ebiary, Y. (2017). The Effect of Trust Based Factors on Using Mobile Commerce in Jordan. International Journal on Contemporary Computer Research (IJCCR), 1(2), 1-7.
Ingham, J., & Cadieux, J. (2016). From E-shopping system quality to the consumer’s intention to return: A meta-analytic study of the mediation of attitude, usefulness, enjoyment, and trust. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2016-March, 3556–3564.
Jamshida, K. V., & Rajeswari, B. (2019). The impact of C2C communication and shared information on buying decision: “A buyer’s perspective.” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 6), 634–637.
Katawetawaraks, C., & Wang, C. L. (2011). Online shopper behavior influences online shoping. Asian Journal of Business Research, 1(2), 66–74.
Kumar, D., & Goyal, N. (2016). Security issues in M-commerce for online transaction. 2016 5th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization, ICRITO 2016: Trends and Future Directions, 409–414.
Kundu, S., & Datta, S. K. (2015). Impact of trust on the relationship of e-service quality and customer satisfaction. EuroMed Journal of Business, 10(1), 21–46.
Lee, K., Haque, A., Maulan, S., & Abdullah, K. (2019). Determining intention to buy air e-tickets in Malaysia. Management Science Letters, 9(6), 933-944.
Liu, C., Bao, Z., & Zheng, C. (2019). Exploring consumers’ purchase intention in social commerce: An empirical study based on trust, argument quality, and social presence. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31(2), 378–397.
Mohseni, S., Jayashree, S., Rezaei, S., Kasim, A., & Okumus, F. (2018). Attracting tourists to travel companies’ websites: the structural relationship between website brand, personal value, shopping experience, perceived risk and purchase intention. Current Issues in Tourism, 21(6), 616–645.
Oliveira, T., Alhinho, M., Rita, P., & Dhillon, G. (2017). Modelling and testing consumer trust dimensions in e-commerce. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, 153–164.
Prasad, S., Gupta, I. C., & Totala, N. K. (2017). Social media usage, electronic word of mouth and purchase-decision involvement. In Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration (Vol. 9).
Pourkhani, A., Abdipour, K., Baher, B., & Moslehpour, M. (2019). The impact of social media in business growth and performance: A scientometrics analysis. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 3(3), 223-244.
Riantini, R. E., Andini, S., Florencia, M. M., & Rabiah, A. S. (2019). E-Marketing Strategy Analysis of Consumer Purchase Decision in Indonesia Online Sports Stores. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Information Management and Technology, ICIMTech 2019, 1(August), 426–431.
Rimawan. (2017). The Influence of Product Quality, Service Quality and Trust on Customer Satisfaction and Its Impact on Customer Loyalty (Case Study PT ABC Tbk). International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 8(7), 2330–2336.
Rouibah, K., Lowry, P. B., & Hwang, Y. (2016). The effects of perceived enjoyment and perceived risks on trust formation and intentions to use online payment systems: New perspectives from an Arab country. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 19, 33–43.
Sari, P. K., & Prasetio, A. (2018). Customer awareness towards digital certificate on E-Commerce: Does it affect purchase decision? Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ICIC 2018, 1–4.
Schena, F. (2016). Rediscovering the Essentiality of Marketing. Springer International Publishing, 747–751.
Schöder, D., Ding, F., & Campos, J. K. (2016). The Impact of E-Commerce Development on Urban Logistics Sustainability. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 04(03), 1–6.
Sfenrianto, Gunawan, W., Kelly, D. S., & Tarigan, R. E. (2018). The use of quality, security and trust factors to improve the online purchase decision. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 96(5), 1436–1445.
Shao, Z., Zhang, L., Li, X., & Guo, Y. (2019). Antecedents of trust and continuance intention in mobile payment platforms: The moderating effect of gender. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 33, 100823.
Sharma, J., & Kurien, D. (2017). Perceived Risk in E-Commerce: A Demographic Perspective. Nmims Management Review, 34(1), 31–57.
Sharma, S., Menard, P., & Mutchler, L. A. (2019). Who to Trust? Applying Trust to Social Commerce. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 59(1), 32–42.
Suhaily, L., & Darmoyo, S. (2017). Effect of product quality, perceived price and brand image on purchase decision mediated by customer trust (study on japanese brand electronic product). Jurnal Manajemen, 21(2), 179–194.
Sukma, Y. (2019). The Influence of Satisfaction and Trust Customers Enterprise Sales Telkomcel Timor Leste Towards Its Loyalty Commitment. 6(1), 562–569.
Towers, N., & Xu, K. (2016). The influence of guanxi on physical distribution service quality availability in e-commerce sourcing fashion garments from China. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 28, 126–136.
Wagner Mainardes, E., de Almeida, C. M., & de-Oliveira, M. (2019). e-Commerce: an analysis of the factors that antecede purchase intentions in an emerging market. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 31(5), 447–468.
Wang, J., Dirusso, D., Gao, J., Li, J., & Zheng, Y. (2016). The Roles of Product Quality and Trust in Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Decision – A Study of Wechat Shopping in China. 2(3), 128–133.
Wibowo, B. A., & Dirgantara, I. (2017). Increase Customer to Customer E-Commerce Transaction in Central Java. Advanced Science Letters, 23(8), 7274-7277.
Widiyanto, I., & Prasilowati, S. L. (2015). Perilaku Pembelian Melalui Internet. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Kewirausahaan (Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship), 17(2), 109–112.
Zhao, X., Deng, S., & Zhou, Y. (2017). The impact of reference effects on online purchase intention of agricultural products. Internet Research, 27(2), 233–255.
Ziaullah, M., Feng, Y., & Akhter, S. N. (2014). E-Loyalty: The influence of product quality and delivery services on e-trust and e-satisfaction in China. International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, 3(10), 20–31.