A series of big changes have recently taken place in banking and financial sector as a result of global economic crisis, deregulated markets, globalization of economy and demonetization affecting the ... working lives of bank employees. The present exploration was planned to probe the associations involving job stress, need deficiency and performance of bank employees. Further it aimed to find out the predictors of performance within the facets of job stress and need deficiencies among total employees, managerial and non-managerial bank staff. The sample comprises of 335 employees, consisting of 135 managerial and 180 non-managerial staff who were randomly selected from dif-ferent branches of bank located in small cities in Uttar Pradesh, India. Job stress, need deficiency and performance measure scales were used to collect the information. Data were analyzed by step-wise multiple regressions analysis. The results observed as: i) total job stress, intrinsic impoverishment, role overload and unreasonable pressure showed significant positive correlation with perfor-mance and intrinsic impoverishment as well as role overload appeared as predictors of performance for sample group whereas esteem need, autonomy need were emerged as predictors and showed negative correlations with performance of employees; ii) esteem need, intrinsic impoverishment, strenuous working conditions and poor-peer relations were emerged as predictors of performance among managerial staff and iii) intrinsic impoverishment, role overload and strenuous working conditions appeared as predictors of performance for non-managerial staff. Further results discussed in details with suitable evidences more